Put in your mind that girls usually just speak with no sense.
You can not win the argument with them so better let them know that you belongs in completely different category. She can have arguments only with girls not with a men.
You can clearly see in this conversation how the teenager girl without any experience try to explain crucial things about the life.
+Eagle Papa shut the shxt up. How do you know what a girl likes cause everyone has its own taste in what so ever. I guess you aren't even a girl yourself how dare you stick prejudices around.

+Aeygyojjang Let me tell you why I know. Because I f...ked already more than 40 silly girls like you and I have already 3 kids with 2 different woman.
So better you shut up and learn from this conversation to save your honor and honor of your nation.
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+Eagle Papa "save your honor" uhm you are the one that totaly missed my point. And you fucked silly girls like me? Don't make me laugh bastard. In your dreams you would fck someone like me. No man has ever touched me, you think a low life like you could? Well congrats with having children what are you now? Superior? I am raising my niece and cousin, two children one of them that is/was mental unstable because of his white ass atheist mother that abused him. Oh yeah and i am only 18. Are you still that though with your "three kids with a two women" Just stfu please b'cause you sure don't know mutch about Arabs.
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+Eagle Papa follow your own advise cause you sure don't know what you are talking about.

+Aeygyojjang You didn't provide any proofs for your arguments. So stop junk conversation please.

+Eagle Papa i didn't use any arguments dumbass i used my own experiences b'cause you used yours. You didn't prove yourself that you have 3 children with 2 women so idk why you want me to prove it. Also why should i prove it to you? It's my own private life, i don't even know you. If you want to believe it fine, if you don't also fine. I'm not discussing with you to chane your mind. I am discussing with you to say what i think about your comments.
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+Aeygyojjang As I said the topic is not about me.
Proof about the real topic you can find in 170 comments above.
Also better you do not try to proof that you understand more about the life than me because you already state that you are 18 y.o. virgin girl. It means that in fact you just a baby. After such kind of statement it's little silly to have any argument with grown up people.
Thank you! I hope you'll not play with you and find you a real man who care you.