Usually women don't know what they are saying and they don't know what they are doing.

+Eagle Papa Don't care about who? white guys? you don't look white on your profile. You sound very stupid and uneducated. People don't need strangers telling them who they should have sex with in their own beds. The reason muslims do that is because they try to control unwed mothers from having babies because the government can't pay for single mothers and orphans. But no one should be punished for living their personal lives. It is not the governments or anyones business.
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+Tulip I understand you fighting for sexual freedom like many white women do but better you shut up already because you looks very silly with your childish statements.
Arabian countries doesn't have money to pay for single mothers. Haha!
Looks like you didn't spend even 5 minutes to educate yourself about Arabic countries and their background. Only thing you did is gave your pussy for everyone and listen for sweet lies of many many boyfriends.
Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait... are richest countries in the world!
It's one more proof for everyone here that we need to control our girls because they are stupid and disgrace all our nation with the things they are doing and the things they are saying.
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